Telling of Legends
Listening to elders telling the Legends was a common activity and one of the most favourite pastime of the people. It was through the telling of legends that knowledge was passed on. This activity was the central focal point of all education, solidarity and entertainment. Legends and stories are an oral history that were passed on from generation to generation. It was not until modern times that these legends were written down. In traditional times the elders could tell stories for two or three days without stopping. Today, the elders can only tell a few stories at a time. Therefore, the legends are rapidly disappearing from people. So believe this could be due to the fact that the legends are in conflict with Christian beliefs or the advances of modern technology. However, others point out that there are many similarities between the legends and the teachings of Christianity. While others feel the legends are sacred because they tell of our spiritual world and our understanding of creation.
Traditional Superstitions
1. If a toddler looks behind his/herself between his/her legs, that toddler is looking for their younger sibling meaning a baby is on the way!
2. If a female child uses a slingshot, her bosom will stretch and droop.
3. If you wear your shoes the wrong way, you will meet up with a bear. (Alternatively, you could meet up with David Day who will pinch your cheek)
4. While on a boat on Finger Lake, you cannot point your finger to the rock outcrop, otherwise you will get caught on the lake on your way back home while the wind picks up drastically and big waves (white caps) form. Hence the reason many native people prefer to point with their lips!
5. A child crying in the night will attract a geengongay (wolverine) which will take that child away.
6. If you kill a spider, it will start raining. If you kill a frog, it will rain and you will get a chee-chee-gum.
7. If you hear a crow or raven at night, it is a bad omen.
8. If you hear a dog crying, it has to be put down, otherwise someone will die.
9. If you have a bad dream about someone, you must tell someone about it, otherwise it will come true.
10. If your eye twitches: upper – good sign, lower – bad omen.
11. If a Whiskeyjack (bird) makes an odd sound (weeyass), it means you will kill a moose.
12. If a bird crashes into your window, it’s a bad sign (more so for the bird).
13. If there is a ring around the sun/moon: overcast and rain or snow is coming.
14. If you cut up a moose and the hind leg socket pops, that means another moose soon.
15. If you see a bear with three cubs, that’s a bad sign.
16. If you dream of killing a moose, it’s a good sign.
17. If a fish sticks it’s head out of the water, it’s a bad sign.
18. Where there’s lightning, cover your mirrors, otherwise lightning could strike them.
19. If you stare at the moon for too long, it will pull you to it.
20. As a child, if you wear a pot or bowl as a hat, it will stunt your growth.
21. If a female goes on a swing, she will start menstruating.
22. The deeper the groove at the back of your neck, the stingier you are.
23. If your fingernails are white at the base (gih-min-da-weh), it means that you don’t like it that you don’t get enough of whatever it is you are given.
24. If a bird flies into your house, it is a bad omen.
25. Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) indicate strong winds the next day.
26. At a family dinner, no one eats until after grace is said then afterwards, if someone passes gas, that person must leave for the rest of the dinner.
27. If you look into your wallet and it is empty, it’s a bad sign (alright this one belongs in the Joke-Sah-Weh section).