The History of Treaty No. 5

Sandy Lake is a community in the Northern Ontario area, it signed into Treaty 5 in June 9, 1910.

Treaty 5 is a treaty that was first established in September, 1875, between Queen Victoria and Saulteaux and Swampy Cree non-treaty tribes and peoples around Lake Winnipeg in the District of Keewatin Much of what is today central and northern Manitoba was covered by the treaty, as were a few small adjoining portions of the present-day provinces of Saskatchewan and Ontario. The Treaty was completed in two rounds. The first was from September 1875 to September 1876. The Crown intended in 1875 to include only “the Indians [east and west] of Lake Winnipeg for the surrender of the Territory uncovered by previous treaties” including “the proposed migration of the Norway House band”.Pimicikamak territory was north of the lake. It was included by accident or design of Tepastenam attending the Norway House signing. Additional peoples and groups signed on between 1908 and 1910.